Repulsed by sodas
by Michael Ma
I'm not sure what exactly drove me to stop drinking soda 3 years ago. Did I stop just because of the number of calories that I didn't want? Or was it because I just couldn't handle the sweetness? Maybe it was both. I found out that the longer I stayed away from the stuff, the sweetness just became more unbearable to deal with. It definitely wasn't quenching my thirsts for sure. I always thought I just had really bad teeth when it came to genetics. I always averaged 3-5 small cavities every 6-12 months, and I thought it was just something I always would have to deal with in life. But ever since I stopped drinking soda, I've had 0 cavities. Coincidence? Maybe, but probably not.
I guess diet sodas aren't too bad. But as far as artifiscial sweetners go, they all have their problems. Saccarine (Sweet & Low) in large amounts could cause cancer in rats, aspartame (Equal) alters brain chemicals which leads to changes in brain waves, and ever sucralose (Spenda) could cause cell mutation if a chlorine molecule ever breaks free from the chlorinated sugar molecule. I guess you can make an argument that sugar causes diabetes and obesity, which could lead to every type of illness out there. The revelation about HFCS and it dangers in the Abs Diet book was something new and alarming to me. If I knew how bad HFCS was and how bad it was, I would have never drank it.
Knowing all of this, I found myself growingly repulsed by sodas, and alarmed by how much of a staple it is in the American daily diet. I'll go to lunch with coworkers, and find out that I'm usually the only one not getting a fountain drink. Are we all that much in the dark? I guess so. I usually don't say anything but I know there will be a nation wide backlash against HFCS sooner or later.
I guess diet sodas aren't too bad. But as far as artifiscial sweetners go, they all have their problems. Saccarine (Sweet & Low) in large amounts could cause cancer in rats, aspartame (Equal) alters brain chemicals which leads to changes in brain waves, and ever sucralose (Spenda) could cause cell mutation if a chlorine molecule ever breaks free from the chlorinated sugar molecule. I guess you can make an argument that sugar causes diabetes and obesity, which could lead to every type of illness out there. The revelation about HFCS and it dangers in the Abs Diet book was something new and alarming to me. If I knew how bad HFCS was and how bad it was, I would have never drank it.
Knowing all of this, I found myself growingly repulsed by sodas, and alarmed by how much of a staple it is in the American daily diet. I'll go to lunch with coworkers, and find out that I'm usually the only one not getting a fountain drink. Are we all that much in the dark? I guess so. I usually don't say anything but I know there will be a nation wide backlash against HFCS sooner or later.