Travis' Abs Diet Challenge

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Slow 'n Steady
  by Travis

Hmm, not really sure what to write on here these days, as I feel like the abs diet is really more of my everyday lifestyle, now, than a life change. I should post something, though, so I will say that eating seems like my new job. I'm literally putting something in my mouth every 2-3 hours as long as I'm awake. Overall, I'd say I'm eating about 85-90% perfect, with maybe 2-3 cheat meals a week.

As for progress, stagnant would best describe my current state, I think. I certainly feel like I've put on some muscle, but the needle on the scale isn't moving in either direction. Who knows, maybe I'm leaning out a tad at the same time? I need to find a dunk tank to get an accurate BF measurement.


  • Lora,
    I haven't had a chance to look at the Eat Right Every Time book, but a couple of the regular readers of this blog have recommended it to me.

    By Blogger Travis, at 11:01 AM  

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